A fan and his dog

Laurette Laman Trip from Leiden in The Netherlands has an eagle eye that saw the image on a fan in her collection was the exact same image as one of the postcards seen at pinkhamgloves.co.uk/our-history here on the Pinkham Gloves website.
The postcard showing three dogs playing with a glove and a walking cane was printed in France and has a French post mark dated 19th December 1907.

The fan appears to be a souvenir from Cadiz in Spain and is dated 1909 it has the same image of the dogs printed on its fan leaf.
The fan is 19cm long and 35cm wide when fully opened and as can be seen from the images it is in superb condition given that it is over a hundred years old.

Following her discovery last month Laurette got in touch and the story now provides some provenance for the fan in her collection and although it has nothing to do with Pinkham Gloves it adds a curious link with the postcard in the Pinkham Collection
Can anyone explain the origin of the link? If so please get in touch.
Many thanks Laurette for getting in touch.