Below are a few of the letters that made up everyday communications in the company in the 1930s and 40s and which today give us a sense of how life and business were conducted.
The word that is heard perishes but the letter that is written remains
A Christmas letter from Leslie Pinkham to the staff in 1941

Letters to Ethel Butcher 1947
In May 1947 Ethel Butcher's husband died, below are some of the letters of condolence that were sent to her. Ethel who had started work at the Witham factory in 1926 was the sister of Geoff Ellis and Agnes Ellis who also worked for the company.

Letters to John Pinkham 1938 & 1939
John Pinkham worked abroad for a number of years before the war and in 1939 was working in a hotel in Germany. He and his father Leslie exchanged letters every week and as can be seen below on one occasion Leslie who was also known as Bert forgot to sign his letter.
This is an interesting letter written in 1938 from Leslie telling John that the factory was getting busy. As can be seen from the date war was looming and as a result of German hostilities a number of countries had banned German imports. Consequently gloves were being sourced from new suppliers of which Pinkhams was one. It also paints a clear picture of the pressures associated with producing two new ranges of gloves a year.

Letter from Leslie to John telling him of the death of his grandfather William.

Letter from Leslie to John following Leslie's visit to the hotel that John was managing

This letter from Mr Keeble accompanied Leslie's and shows just how the company worked as a team

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