Timeless of course

August 2024


Another very unusual pair of Pinkham gloves, this time from the 1950s has found its way to the collection all the way from Lynn Jamieson at Timeless Gloves.

The stunning design, delicate fabric and flawless workmanship show off again just why Pinkham gloves were considered as some of the finest of their time.


Ladder proof Nylon

This is not the first pair that Lynn has ‘happened upon’.

Given the outstanding, rare and remarkable Pinkham gloves that Lynn uncovers on a regular basis there is a theory that she has a few former loyal Pinkham Gloves employees making gloves at the bottom of her garden. When asked their names Lynn said:

One of the Pinkham ladies is called Primrose, just like the Evening Primrose plants which bloom all through the summer and when releasing their pleasant evening fragrance,  I then know Primrose has arrived to work her magic again”.

If that doesn’t bring about a feeling of calm and wellbeing in a big way what does?

William and Rebecca Pinkham would marvel at that thought and be reminded of the romance of gloves which, with their romance saw the beginnings of their glove making business way back in the 1890s. A sentiment that is enduring and of course Timeless don’t you think?